Wednesday, January 01, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 1 - How Did You Get Your Name?

52 weeks of Genealogy. Join the fun!! 

Week 1:   How did you get your name? What does your name mean?
I was named after my beautiful great grandmother, Thelma 
Sarah  Lewis. Here's a family photo of her parents and 12 siblings; she was the 5th of 15 children. She's on the bottom right in the photograph.

Sarah means Princess.

Now it's your turn. How did you get your name? What does your name mean?

Keep it short and simple and it becomes easy.

Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah


  1. Do you have a listing for your 52 weeks or are you so clever that you will make them up as you go? I will be following you and have started my year too. Here are week 1 and 2 for me:

    1. I checked out your blog and followed you. I will be adding a new question, one week at a time. Thanks for playing along with my 52 Weeks of Genealogy.
      -Sarah :)

  2. I love your blog and wish I had found it sooner. I haven't been researching my family tree very long but I love it and have become addicted. I came across your blog post on Pinterest and even though I didn't start on January 1st, I am going to try to completed your weekly listings until I am "caught up".

    Thank you for this !

  3. So how do we go to week 2 and on?
