Showing posts with label 52 Weeks of Genealogy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 52 Weeks of Genealogy. Show all posts

Monday, June 02, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 22 - Your Favorite Family Vacation

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 22 - Favorite Family Vacations

This week, let's get documenting your favorite family vacation from your childhood.

  1. Growing up, what was your favorite family vacation?
  2. What mode of transportation did you use?

  3. What did you eat while on vacation?

  4. What did you do for fun?

  5. Did you visit family or friends?

  6. Did you bring anything home?

  7. What was the best part of the vacation?

  8. What was the worst part of the vacation?

  9. What was the date of this favorite family vacation?

  10. Where would you like to take your family on vacation now?

That's it! Keep connecting the dots!

-Sarah :)

Monday, May 19, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 20 - Which Ancestors Do You Look Like?

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 20 - Which Ancestors Do You Look Like?

This week, start looking through those old pictures of your ancestors. Look closely at their facial features to see if any look like you. I came across a photo of my grand aunt, Catherine Johnson with some of my features, more than any other ancestors.
Now it's your turn...

  1. Which ancestor do you look like? (Full Name)
  2. What similar features do you both have?
  3. Have you seen these similar features found in other relatives?
That's it! Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Monday, May 12, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 19 - All About Your Hardships

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 19 - All About Your Hardships

hard·ship (noun) \ˈhärd-ˌship\

  • pain and suffering
  • something that causes pain, suffering, or loss
Hardships come to all of us. Whether it's the loss of a loved one, a disease or illness, an addiction, mental illness, financial problems, insecurites, or family issues; we all have them. This week I would like all of us to dig a little deeper and write about our hardships in this life. Because it was those times, that shaped our lives the most. How great would it be for your grandchild to read about your hardships and learn  how to overcome their own, because you overcame yours. For them to be able to relate to you and be humbled by your example to perservere through great trials. What a great gift that will be.
Let's do this...

  1. What are some of your greatest hardships?
  2. How did you cope during your hardships?
  3. How did you overcome your hardships?
  4. Who helped you during your hardships?
  5. What life lessons did your learn because of your hardships?
That's it! Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Monday, May 05, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 18 - All About Your Mother

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 18 - All About Your Mother

This week, let's document some interesting facts about our mothers. Here are 10 questions to get you started:

  1. What is your greatest accomplishment?

  2. What was your greatest trial?

  3. What is your favorite scent?

  4. What is your favorite flower?

  5. What do you love most about being a mother?

  6. If you could time travel to meet one person, who would it be?

  7. What is your favorite memory of your father?

  8. What is your favorite memory of your mother?

  9. What talents do you have?

  10. What advice would you give to the rising generations?

That's it. Keep going and keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Monday, April 21, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 16 - All About Relationship Charts

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 16 - All About Relationship Charts

This week, let's learn about our family relationships. Do you know the name of your 3rd cousin twice removed? How about your 1st cousin thrice (3x) removed? Use these two FREE relationship charts to help you understand your genealogy a little bit better. Print them and keep them close by.

This week do the following:

  • Print these two relationship charts
  • Study the relationships
  • Learn who your 3rd cousin twice (2x) removed is
Here's one of the most traditional charts out there: The Canon or Common Law Relationship Chart:

Click here to Download or print this Canon or Common Law Relationship Chart.

Here is another, more simple relationship chart created by Teach Me Genealogy. We recommend using both of these relationship charts in your genealogy to figure out your relationship between relatives.

Click image to enlarge

Click here to Download or print this simple Relationship Chart.

That's it. After you've looked over you relationship chart, leave a comment below if you know who your 3rd cousin twice removed is.

Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 15 - Easter Traditions

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 15 - Easter Traditions

  • Did you celebrate Easter growing up?
    • If so:
      1. Did you have an Easter dinner with family?
      2. Did dye or color eggs?
      3. Did you have an Easter egg hunt?
      4. Tell about any other Easter traditions you had. 
Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Monday, April 07, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 14 - Teenage Years: First Job

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 14 - Teenage Years: First Job

  1. What was your first job?

  2. What were your duties?

  3. How much did you get paid each week?

  4. Did you enjoy your job?

  5. What was your boss' name?

  6. Did you get along with your boss?

  7. Did you ever make any mistakes at work?

  8. Did you have any friends at work?

  9. How far did you have to travel to get to work?

  10. For how long did you work at your first job?
Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Monday, March 31, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 13 - Teenage Years: First Car

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 13 - Teenage Years: First Car

  1. What was the make, model and year of your first car?

  2. What color was your first car?

  3. What was the value or cost of your first car?

  4. Did you have to buy your first car?

  5. Did your parents ever take away your car for any reason?

  6. What was the price of gas when you first started driving?

  7. How much did it cost to fill up your car?

  8. Did you ever get into an accident in your first car?

  9. For how many years did you own your first car?

  10. Did you get any speeding tickets or traffic violation tickets in your first car? If so, tell about it.
Keep going every week to keep connecting the dots!! -Sarah :)

Monday, March 24, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 12 - Teenage Years: Dating

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 12 - Teenage Years: Dating

  1. Who was your first date?

  2. What did you do on your first date?

  3. What were some of your most favorite dates?

  4. What were some of your least favorite dates?

  5. What were some of the places you would go on your dates?

  6. Did you have a curfew? If so, what time did you have to return home from dates?

  7. Did your parents ever NOT approve of any of your dates? If so, why?

  8. How would your mother act around your dates?

  9. How would your father act around your dates?

  10. What would you wear on your dates?

That's it!! Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Monday, March 17, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 11 - Are You Irish?

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 11 -Are you Irish? If not, what countries are your ancestors from?
  1. What countries are your ancestors from?

  2. Did they ever mirgrate to America? If so, when?

  3. Are you Irish?

That's it! Happy St. Patrick's Day and keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 10 - Do You Play A Musical Instrument?

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 10 - Do you play a musical instrument?

This week, it's all about your musical talent.
  • Do you play a musical instrument?
  • Did you play a musical instrument growing up?
  • What musical instrument would you like to learn to play?
The above picture is of my son playing the bass clarinet, when he was in 8th grade. He played this instrument all through junior high and loved it. As for me, I do not play any musical instrument. But, one day I will learn to play the violin or the cello... or both :)
That's it. Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 9 - Four Generation Pedigree Chart

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 9 - Complete a Four Generation Pedigree Chart

This week it's all about getting your four generation pedigree chart completed. It's really simple with these type and print pedigree charts designed by Teach Me Genealogy.

Pedigree Chart Tips:
  • For female, always use the maiden name, (First, Middle, Maiden). Never use married name on a pedigree chart.
  • The male ancestry name always goes on the top, ascending to the right. 
  • The female name always goes on the bottom, descending to the right.
Now, let's start. Choose your style, then download or print. 

Pedigree Chart #1: Click the pedigree chart below that you wish to download. After you have clicked on the pedigree chart, you will now be in Click on "download" or the printer icon to print.  Once downloaded and opened Allow up to 10 seconds for the the cursor to become active for the "type and print".

Pedigree Chart #2: Click the image to download this "type and print" form

Pedigree Chart #3: Click the image to download this "type and print" form

Click your cursor on your pedigree chart (sometimes it can take up to 10 seconds to become active), start typing and hit  "Tab" to move to the next field.

That's it! Enjoy your new four generation pedigree chart and...

...keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 8 - All About Your Religion

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 8 - All About Your Religion

  • What religion did you practice growing up?
  • What religion are you now?
  • What do you enjoy most about your religion?
That's it.

Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 7 - All About Your Grandparents

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 7 - All About Your Grandparents

This week, it's all about your grandparents, so let's talk about our paternal and maternal grandparents: 

  • Paternal Grandparents = father's parents.
  • Maternal Grandparents = mother's parents
List all the basic information like Names, Births, Marriages, Deaths and then list 10 fun facts about each of them. Have fun with this and make it interesting too. A fun fact could even be their eye color or height. It's amazing how much I learned about each of my grandparents when I did this.

The above photograph is my grandparents; William & Ruth Burnes and the adorable baby in the pink outfit is my FATHER Ron; funny huh?

Have fun and keep connecting the dots.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 6 - All About Your Pets

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 6 - All About Your Pets

  • What pet(s) did you have growing up?
  • What was the breed of your pet(s)?
  • What personality did your pet(s) have?
  • What were some funny things your pet(s) did?
  • What were some smart things your pet(s) did?
  • How many years did you have your pet(s)?
  • What are your favorite memories of your pet(s)?
We will always remember the bond we had with our four legged family members and other pets. For me, it was my dog named Mack. I was 7 years old when we brought home this four year old male dog. He was trained, loyal, tender, smart and patient enough to handle eleven children. He was half lab, half Dalmatian and very in tune to our needs. He was so smart, he would walk us to the bus stop every morning and be there waiting for us when we stepped off the bus. He had different types of barks; a people bark, an animal bark and a car bark and without even seeing what he was barking at, we just knew by the sound of each bark. He also did some funny things too like biting fire. Living out in the country, we often had bonfires and for some strange reason, he would bite it and bark at it like it was an intruder. He lived 16 long years but left a forever bond.

Sadly, I could not find a picture of my childhood dog Mack. So the above picture is of my 2 oldest children (when they were young and oh so adorable) and our late dog Rusty :)

Now it's your turn. Take a moment to tell about your pets growing up and keep connecting the dots!

-Sarah :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 5 - All About Your Siblings

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 5 - All About Your Siblings

This week, it's all about our siblings. Take some time to document their names, birthdays, children, spouses and any other valuable information about them for your family history. An easy and effective way to do this is by filling out a family group record by clicking here.

The above photo is a rare photo of the entire Burnes family.

The Burnes siblings in order of birth:

  1. William Aaron Burnes
  2. Christine Marie Burnes
  3. Julie Ann Burnes
  4. Jennifer Corrine Burnes
  5. Ronald Lewis Burnes
  6. James Emry Burnes
  7. Sarah Marie Burnes
  8. Ruth Ann Burnes
  9. John Michael Burnes
  10. Lori Erin Burnes 
  11. Michael Brian Burnes 
Now it's your turn to document all about your siblings.

Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 4 - All About Your Home(s) Growing Up

Week 4: All About Your Home(s)

Let's talk about the home(s) you lived in as a child, through your teenage years and until you left home.
  • What city, State and Country was your home located?
  • What did it look like? (color, type, unique characteristics)
  • How many levels?
  • Square footage?
  • Did you live in the city or in the country?
  • What types of trees, bushes and flowers surrounded your home?
  • Any landmarks close by to your home(s)?
  • How many years did you live in this home?
  • What are your fondest memories of your home? 
I recently had the opportunity to go back "home" to Grass Valley, California to visit friends and see the old home I grew up in. To my surprise, it was more beautiful than I ever remembered. The couple who bought the home from my parents put a lot of time and money into the home and I am so grateful they did. When I lived there, it was the home to 13 people, yes, it's true, my parents raised all eleven of us in this home. It was a two-story redwood home, and about 3,000 square feet. We lived out in the country on 7 acres of land where many tall pine trees surrounded our property along with manzanita shrubs, blackberry bushes, poison ivy and poppies. If you wanted to get to our home, you had to travel 10 miles outside the city and a mile down a dirt road to arrive at he Burnes homestead. On the property, there was a natural pond and when it was full, it would flow into a stream that weaved through our property. Across from the pond was a small guest house that we rented out to missionaries. Some of the landmarks that were close to our home were, Deer Creek River (many gold miners mined here and there's even an abandoned mine shaft with miner boots still tied around a large pine tree). Our home was also close to Bitney Springs; a natural spring that was donated by the Bitney family for anyone to use. I lived in this home for 12 years before I moved out to go to college. I have many fond memories of the home I grew up in and most of them were the memories of playing on our property. The large picnic table that we used as a dining table. The many bike ramps that we had around the property. The forts we built in the manzanita bushes and the "elevator tree" we would play on for hours. So, take that trip and document what you see and feel about your "old home". Knock on the door, introduce yourself, and if you're lucky (like I was) the new owners will let you go inside.
Now it's your turn to write about your home growing up. You'll be so glad you did this!!

"When you finally go back to your old home, you find it wasn't the old home you missed but your childhood." -Sam Ewing

“Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to” -John Ed Pearce

Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 3 - All About Your Parents

52 weeks of Genealogy. Join the fun!!

Week 3:  All about your parents:

  • Their full names?
  • Their parents names?
  • Their Nicknames?
  • Personalities?
  • Likes & dislikes?
  • Physical characteristics?
  • What did they do for a living?
  • How did they relax?
  • What made them happy?
  • What made them sad?
  • What made them mad?

Important dates:

  • Birthday?
  • Achievements?
  • Marriage?
  • Death?
  • Other?


  • Books?
  • Actors?
  • Foods?
  • Hobbies?
  • Vacations?
  • Smells?
  • TV shows?
  • Movies?
Keep connecting the dots. -Sarah

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 2 - What Toys Did You Play With?

52 weeks of Genealogy. Join the fun!! 

Week 2:   What toys did you play with growing up?

For the past six decades, the Slinky, Play-Doh, Mr. Potato Head and Legos have stayed among the most popular toys and have stood the test of time. My parents played with these toys, I played with them and my children play with these toys now. But, I often wondered if grandma played with them. So I asked her "what toys did you play with growing up?" I had no idea what she did for fun in the 20's and 30's or the toys she played with. To my surprise she answered...

"Horseshoes, jump rope, croquet, puzzles and cards." I recorded her answers and added them to her life history.

Now it's your turn. What toys did you play with growing up?

Keep it short and simple and it becomes easy.

Week 1
: How did you get your name? What does your name mean?

Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 1 - How Did You Get Your Name?

52 weeks of Genealogy. Join the fun!! 

Week 1:   How did you get your name? What does your name mean?
I was named after my beautiful great grandmother, Thelma 
Sarah  Lewis. Here's a family photo of her parents and 12 siblings; she was the 5th of 15 children. She's on the bottom right in the photograph.

Sarah means Princess.

Now it's your turn. How did you get your name? What does your name mean?

Keep it short and simple and it becomes easy.

Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah