Monday, March 24, 2014

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 12 - Teenage Years: Dating

52 Weeks of Genealogy - Week 12 - Teenage Years: Dating

  1. Who was your first date?

  2. What did you do on your first date?

  3. What were some of your most favorite dates?

  4. What were some of your least favorite dates?

  5. What were some of the places you would go on your dates?

  6. Did you have a curfew? If so, what time did you have to return home from dates?

  7. Did your parents ever NOT approve of any of your dates? If so, why?

  8. How would your mother act around your dates?

  9. How would your father act around your dates?

  10. What would you wear on your dates?

That's it!! Keep connecting the dots! -Sarah :)

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